
Accessible captions: why they matter

Accessible captions: why they matter Clothes whirring in soapy water through the round door of a washing machine during the spin cycle

You know that all videos must be captioned to meet the minimum WCAG level A, don’t you. But have you ever stopped to think about that you also need to create accessible captions? Well if you haven’t, you definitely should. The web is rife with unreadable captioning styles favoured by trend-setters with a large audience, […]

6 typography mistakes

6 typography mistakes The word "nope" written in white paint against a wooden background. No place for typography mistakes!

Don’t make these 6 typography mistakes in your content. Chances are: you’re probably making at least 3 of them.  How do I know? Because I see it every day, on 99% of the websites, apps, dashboards I audit, emails I receive, social media posts I read, adverts I’m targeted by. How to increase your potential […]

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